Monday, November 29, 2010

My Cousin

For me, it is very hard to get close to people. I definitely try to be friendly and go out of my way to make a joke or make someone fit in, but being close to someone is on another level. I have very bad trust issues, and it takes an ample amount of time for me to finally warm up to someone and say whatever I want to them. Most people think of me as over the top and crazy, but I’m actually very shy. In the world, there’s really only one person I can say anything to- and that’s my cousin, W.
W is my best friend by far. I think of myself having a decent amount of friends, but I am never really that well-connected with them. W is different… While living in Canada for the first 5 years of my life, I saw him almost every day. When something very tragic happened in my life, I ended up staying with him all the time. This is when our friendship turned into brothers, and ever since I moved to California we have kept that relationship, knowing that we are one of a kind.
W and I, as mentioned, are the best of friends. We have a ton in common, and since he is just a few years older than me he leads the way. He teaches me the rights from the wrongs with just about everything- actually, scratch that; just women. Whenever we see each other, we have a hell of a time doing tons of things: sports, going out socializing, or just hanging out.
Now that I’m living overseas, it’s really hard for W and I to keep in touch. Facebook is the main way, but still, I wish I could see him more. Whenever he is in California for tennis or I’m up in Canada, we’re sure to hang out. Lots of my memories are with him, which makes me miss him even more; but not seeing him all the time makes me even closer to him. I cherish the moments when I’m actually with him, and I will never forget them.  W is one of the greatest role models, friends, and peers anyone could ever have. I’m blessed to have you in my life, W. If you’re reading this, I love you, man. 

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